Roger Whittaker (†87): Sein Haus steht zum Verkauf! Witwe zieht zurück nach England


Die Schlagerstars mit den meisten Nummer 1-Hits

Katrin Voigt

Als Roger Whittaker im September 2023 für immer die Augen schloss, wurde es ganz still. Freunde, Kollegen, Fans und auch seine Familie vermissen den großen Entertainer bis heute. Besonders seine Frau Natalie (83) und nun muss sie auch noch das gemeinsame Haus in Frankreich verkaufen. Sie zieht wohl wieder zurück nach England…

Montaigu de Quercy ist eine kleine Gemeinde im Süden Frankreich mit nur knapp 1.300 Einwohnern. Der Ort könnte malerischer nicht sein. Verwinkelte Gassen, alte Gemäuer, Palmen und Olivenbäume - für Schlagerlegende Roger Whittaker war es das Paradies!

Roger Whittaker: Haus wird verkauft

Mitten im Dorf stand sein Haus, in dem er mit seiner Frau Natalie alt wurde. Was haben die beiden für schöne Stunden dort verbracht. Stundenlang konnten sie zusammen kochen oder den Enkelkindern beim Spielen zuschauen. Oft saßen sie gemeinsam auf der Sonnenterrasse, tranken Kaffee, aßen Kuchen.

Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The five-storey village house. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last y PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

Das Haus von Roger Whittaker und seiner Frau Natalie im französischen Montaigu-de-Quercy ist ein echtes Schmuckstück mit 500 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche © IMAGO / Jam Press

Roger Whittaker: Frau zieht zurück nach England

Doch nun ist Roger Whittaker nicht mehr da und seine Natalie ist einsam. Das Haus ist mit 500 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche (darunter fünf Schlafzimmer) zu groß und Natalie ist gesundheitlich angeschlagen. Sie nahm die Asche ihres Mannes und ging zurück nach England. Das Haus in Frankreich blieb zurück und soll nun verkauft werden. Eine Immobilienfirma verlangt dafür 650.000 Euro - ein ordentlicher Batzen Geld, allerdings lohnt sich jeder Cent, wie Fotos zeigen:


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The kitchen. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the age of PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

In der gemütlichen Küche standen Roger und seine Natalie oft gemeinsam und kochten ihr Lieblingsessen © IMAGO / Jam Press


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The bedroom. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the age of PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

Dies ist nur eins von fünf traumhaften Schlafzimmern im Haus von Roger Whittaker © IMAGO / Jam Press


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The library. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the age of PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

Roger Whittaker saß nur allzu gern in seinem Wohnzimmer, in dem es auch eine Bibliothek gab © IMAGO / Jam Press


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The living room. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the age PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

An diesem Kamin haben es sich Roger und seine Natalie im Winter gemütlich gemacht © IMAGO / Jam Press


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The music studio. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the ag PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

Platinauszeichnungen, Goldene Platten und ein großes Klavier - Musiker Roger Whittaker hatte sich ein eigenes Musikzimmer eingerichtet © IMAGO / Jam Press


Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio Story from Jam Press Folk Singer Home Pictured: The terrace. Stunning home previously owned by late British folk singer hits market for Â550,000 complete with recording studio An incredible five-storey village house, previously owned by a top British folk singer, is up for sale at Â550,000. Roger Whittaker was famous for his 1969 hit Durham Town and amazing whistling skills. Other hits include The Last Farewell and New World in the Morning. He was able to sing in several languages, making him a global star who sold nearly 50 million records around the world. Sadly, Roger passed away last year at the age of PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxSUIxNEDxBELxCHNxINDxMLTxCYPxONLY Copyright: xJamxPress/

Was für ein Ausblick! Von der Terrasse konnten Roger und seine Natalie den Ausblick auf den schönen Ort Montaigu-de-Quercy blicken © IMAGO / Jam Press

Die Maklerin erklärt laut "Freizeit Revue", das Haus sei "ein Ausweis feiner Lebensart". Die Bilder zeigen vor allem, dass Roger und Natalie die wohl schönsten Stunden ihres noch gemeinsam Lebens dort verbracht haben müssen. Ein Traum, der aber leider nun ein Ende hat.

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